Hey. I'm Steve.

You love streaming (at least, you did)You’ve put the hours in consistently (at some cost)You’ve built a community you give a damn about (and worry about losing)And you’ve made good money (which makes it harder to change)So while gaming has given you a lot to be grateful for...

Streaming feels BRUTAl

You're dealing with the pressure of having to keep it all going, the guilt when you try to take “time off”, and the imposter syndrome when you see the new kids on the block smashing out killer content.You don’t get to go home after work. Home is work, and work is home.You don’t get to take your foot off the peddle because of the risks if you do.You don’t even get to enjoy playing these days, because the pressure and stress and grind are right there.

Two things are true:

1. Stuff keeps changing and the need to keep showing up is relentless
2. If you keep showing up in the same ways you have been, something’s gonna break

So you have a choice

You either keep doing what you’re doing and you hit a wall, or you figure shit out

Figuring shit out is where I lean in, with over 20 years of experience of helping people level up.So let’s head this off before it becomes more of a problem than it already is.Let’s see where you’re at, get clear on what you need right now and figure out what's gonna work for you going forward.Let’s dig in and get your head and heart connected again.

I work with top-tier gaming streamers and content creators to prevent burnout and answer the question "What next?"

I'm Steve. I've been a gamer for 40+ years (Pong anyone?), I've been coaching for over 20 years (the equivalent of being on NG++) and I focus all that experience and all my tools and strategies on working with a small number of clients at a time.A monthly retainer is $1000 and includes 120 minutes of one-to-one coaching + unlimited chat via Discord.

The first step

The first step is for us to talk (gratis) to see if there's a fit. Drop your email below and we'll get that set up asap.